Day 1 "You Are Beautiful"
Good Morning Beauties!
Thank you so much for joining me on this Easter 40 Day Journey. If you’re looking for spiritual renewal, hope, and life transformation, you’re in the right place. Our journey is based on the promise found in John 10:10, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I (Jesus) came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” (NIV)
A little instruction is necessary before we dive in to today’s truth. Please know that everyone’s journey is personal, so there’s no right or wrong way to travel on this path. It’s uniquely yours. I will provide a process and thoughts that have helped me along the way, and you can choose to follow them or not. The ultimate goal is to grow in your intimacy with Jesus and know who he created you to be - your true identity in Christ.
The process is simple. Whether you are using the You Are Beautiful Selah journal or another one, it’s important to write thoughts, revelations, and prayers down on paper. Writing things down was important to God, so it is wise to follow his lead. You’ll begin by designating your “sacred space.” Find that special place where you can be alone with God. It may be at a desk, or walking outside on your favorite path.
You’ll want to start your journey each day with prayer and follow these steps: Invite Jesus to join you and provide revelation about that day’s lyric and truth. Next, listen to the song, “You Are Beautiful,” found on the website. Open your mind and spirit to the truths found in the song. Next, grab your journal and answer the question, “What do I believe about this TRUTH?” You may not believe it at all - be honest and write down your thoughts.
The next part is to spend time with God in the way he best speaks to you. Perhaps you hear him reading your Bible, singing praise and worship songs, or being surrounded by his glorious nature. Whatever it is, meet with him and discuss your beliefs about that day’s truth. Allow yourself time to really hear what he wants you to know. Journal your response to the revelation of HIS TRUTH.
You’ll end your time once again in prayer. Write down your prayer as a way of thanking Jesus for meeting with you and showing you the lies of the enemy so you can replace them with his truth. In the many many journey experiences I’ve ventured on, (I think it’s up to about 14 by now) this is the process I’ve found to be most helpful.
This blog is used at anytime during your process. I use it as a guide and encouragement for you as I share revelation the Lord has shared with me. Again, please use it as you want. You may want to join me here everyday, once in awhile, or not at all. Each is completely fine - this is YOUR journey. If at anytime you want to reach out with a question, comment, or prayer request, please contact me through the “Let’s Connect” part of my website. I’d love to chat and pray with you!
Okay, let’s move on to today’s first truth, “You Are Beautiful.” What is your first reaction to this truth? Before we can determine if we believe it, we must define it. When you think of beauty, do you immediately think of physical beauty? If so, when did you first hear a message about your physical beauty? What is your earliest memory? Though we are bombarded with standards of beauty, especially in Western culture, I believe it’s key to go back and understand where we first developed our ideas and beliefs about our own beauty.
Do your thoughts go beyond physical beauty and your first reaction is to inner beauty? I’ve found that focusing on inner beauty sometimes leads to judging behavior. Which behaviors are considered beautiful? Which ones are considered not beautiful? Will this continual judgement help you find your true beauty?
Do you think it’s both physical and inner beautiful - the entire package? Will this assessment always be able to meet your standard of beauty?
Or is true beauty something we already possess because, as Christians, we have Jesus living inside of us, and he personifies beauty? Think of the most beautiful person you know….is it the their physical appearance, their behavior, or the spirit of Jesus shining through that person making them truly beautiful? Selah. (Stop and ponder these things.)
Jesus, our Savior and King is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Let’s take time to worship him today. Here’s a song to help us get started….
You’re Beautiful - Phil Wickham
Love and Blessings,