Day 35 "And You Are Beautiful"
Oh How Beautiful
Good Morning Beauties!
I woke up this morning to birds singing, not my alarm clock. The first thing I saw was a pale pink sky peaking through the forest of winter bare trees. It was glorious. In that moment, I knew I was part of his beautiful creation, and my heart immediately started praising Jesus, the creator of all beautiful things.
What are some of your “pink sky” moments when God’s presence is all around, and you feel at one with all his creation? Do the lies of the enemy fade during those times with Jesus? Selah.
As you begin the final days of your journey, I pray you will allow yourself to celebrate the beauty of Jesus and how his beauty makes you truly beautiful. I pray you will lay down your burdens at his feet, even if temporarily, and allow his healing balm to meet you while praising him. Get up! Sing and shout to the one who has given you life and paid such a high price to give it to you. There’s nothing like the unfailing love of Jesus, and that’s what he’s freely given to you. Celebrate Jesus!!!
Beautiful Saviour - Planetshakers
Love and Blessings,
“Then I will hold my head high above my enemies who surround me. At his sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy, singing and praising the Lord with music.”