Day 18 "Heaven's Glow From You Abounds"
Good Afternoon Beauties!
Have you ever met a person who “lights up the room” when they walk in? I’ve been told several times that I’m that person, and I think to myself, “What are you talking about?” How is it possible they don’t see my insecurities, my sadness, or my failures? Simple answer - they see God’s Spirit shining forth in all HIS Glory, not my own.
Don’t you just love the photo of the little girl above. She’s a mess! Paint all over her and her clothes. Is that what you see, or do you see a radiant smile and a joyous spirit. Did you notice she’s looking up as if Jesus is standing right in front of her. She’s happy, unafraid, and knows it’s absolutely okay to be messy. Do you feel the same way, or do you believe you must have it all together before you can go to God? How about before being used by God? Do you have to clean up your mess first? Selah.
I believe she paints (pun intended) a perfect picture of what others see when they look at us. On the outside, we may be a little messy, okay, a lot messy, but people see the light of Jesus shining though the Spirit - when we desire to walk with him and be used by him.
Here’s what Paul shares with the Corinthians, “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.“ 2 Corinthians 4:6-7
I found this commentary on regarding this scripture passage -
”Yes, we are weak, cracked, and far less than perfect, but the treasure within us is glorious. If we were to be beautiful and polished vessels, then others would see that...and not the treasure within.
As believers under the new covenant, we have something believers of the Old Testament longed for and dreamt of. They heard about the one who was to come, who would wipe away their sins and fulfill the law they were so desperately trying to keep. We are living in the full victory of Jesus, and he actively chooses us to share his light and truth.
One of the reasons he chooses us is precisely because we are jars of clay. He doesn’t limit this treasure to the spiritually elite and mature. It’s not about who had been a Christian the longest, who can recite the most verses by heart, or who has the most quiet time. If you are a follower of Jesus, then you have the greatest treasure ever known. He is using you to shine his light in the darkness.“
Are you ready to shine in the world for Jesus? Especially now, people need love, hope, and kindness. Are you ready to make an impact for Christ knowing that people can see the Spirit through your cracks? The time is now. The harvest is here. Selah.
Let’s celebrate Jesus, our Savior, and Light of the World.
Light of the World (Sing Hallelujah) - We The Kingdom
Love and Blessings,