Day 33 "Perfect In His Sight"

Beautiful Perfection

Happy Lord’s Day Beauties!

This word, "perfect" you struggle with it like I do? What lie does the enemy tell you as he torments you with perfectionism?  "You're not good enough."  "You must try even harder." "You still didn't do it right."  The lies in this area are harsh and long lasting. The enemy throws in words like rejected, unloved and unwanted.  Does that sound familiar?

We go about trying to be perfect to avoid rejection and to gain everyone's love and approval. Others may reject you when you don’t live up to their expectations, that’s true, but who’s standards really matter most? You can stand on his promise, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

What if the opinions of others didn’t matter to you? What if the only opinion you valued was that of Jesus? What would happen? Is Jesus and his opinion of you truly enough? Selah.

Through all our failings, flaws, and faults, God sees us as absolute perfection. How can this be? The blood of Jesus washes us clean and continues to cover us so that we can be in the Holy presence of God. There’s no other way.

Perfection - Switch

Love and Blessings,

You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.
— Song of Solomon 4:7 New International Version
Kendra Brown