Day 14 "You Are Joyful"
Good Morning Beauties!
In the midst of the hustle and bustle and overwhelming noise of the world, are you able to connect to the quiet strength and joy inside you? Do you need that strength now more than ever?
Has the past few days been joyful as we’ve reflected on freedom, grace, and peace? It may have been marked with difficulty. As Jesus rebuilds your joy, the enemy is angry because he knows he’s loosing his stronghold. A well known scripture is “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” It’s true, and the enemy hates it. You flourish as you live out of a place of JOY!
In Nehemiah 8:9-12, we see there was sorrow and weeping when the people heard God's law and realized how far they had gone away from its teaching, but Ezra told them to rejoice and celebrate because of the restoration. That's when Ezra said, "The joy of the Lord is your strength". He was speaking to the remnant of Israel who has returned to Judah to rebuild the city and its temple. It was a time of restoration, not only of the ruined city, but also of obedience to the law of God.
How is God restoring your life right now? What is he saying about your obedience? Do you see your joy increasing? Selah.
Love and Blessings,