Day 35 "And You Are Beautiful"
Gaze Upon His Face
Photo by Sharath Kumar Hari on Uns
Good Morning Beauties!
As we wrap up our attribute of Purity, I encourage you to take a look at the connection between our Purity and our Intimacy with God. That's what this journey experience is all about - growing deeper in our relationship with Him.
I've found a beautiful study about this very subject, and think it's a nice way to conclude our time learning about Purity. Grab your Bible and internet device, and open your heart for God's glorious Truth....
Now, after that meaningful study, let’s praise our glorious Savior!
Love and Blessings,
“Gaze upon him, join your life with his, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again.”