Day 3 "Loved Above All Things"

The Rock of Your Foundation Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

The Rock of Your Foundation
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

What a wonderful way to start the week. Waking up and knowing we’re on this journey together. We’re not going it alone, but have beautiful ladies to share the experience. Does it bring you comfort as it does me?

Today’s truth is life changing. It’s simple, but hard to drop from our head to our hearts - from our minds to our belief system. The lies preventing us from believing this truth are tremendous in number and destruction.

Why does the enemy work so hard to keep us from this truth? Let’s take a look. “Perfect Love casts out all fear”, (1 John 4:18) and fear is where the enemy binds us. “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have drawn you with loving devotion.” (Jeremiah 31:3) God’s love for us is not conditional, it is eternal and brings us closer to Him. His love is forever, it is safe, it is pure, and we can trust it.

God’s love is not dependent on how good we behave, and the enemy loves to tell us otherwise. He is a master at causing us to feel shame for our behavior, but our actions have nothing to do with how God loves us. He loves us, the person, despite our behavior.

I have found the greatest freedom when I believe and live this truth. I no longer have to spend all my time assessing my behavior to make it “good enough” to be deserving of God’s love. Guilt (regret of bad behavior) and shame (believing you’re a bad person) are tools of the enemy to keep you from the abundant life Jesus died to give you.

So ladies, are you ready to trample the lie of “not good enough” under you feet? Are you able to believe you are accepted and loved just the way you are - above all your sins? Will you start living your life knowing your behavior does not qualify or disqualify you for God’s love? Selah.

You Are Loved - Stars Go Dim

Love and Blessings,

But Christ proved God’s passionate love for us by dying in our place while we were still lost and ungodly!
— Romans 5:8 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown