Day 1 "You Are Beautiful"

Springtime Worship Photo by Joe Cox on Unsplash

Springtime Worship
Photo by Joe Cox on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

It’s always exciting to start something new, wouldn’t you agree? As I sit here at my desk, looking out my window, I hear so many birds singing - giving their praise to God. I love Springtime and the newness it brings. It’s a visual reminder of the rebirth we’ve been given through Jesus Christ. Our sins have been buried with Him and now our new life has begun. Hallelujah!

Thank you again for joining me on this 40 Day Journey. God is drawing us near and wants to speak truth to our very souls. By doing so, He will help reveal the lies we believe. We must willingly look at some deep places and surrender our beliefs if they’re based on a lie from the enemy. This process has many names like refining, sanctification, and purification, and they all lead to BEAUTY.

Lies prevent God’s truth and light from shining through us, so doesn’t it make sense that we’d want to expel all the lies we believe? The one God revealed to me today is the sin of judgement. Now we all know judging others is a sin, so where did the big revelation come from?

The enemy is devious and will wrap a sin with a nice bow and call it righteousness. I have a practice of “self assessing” everything I do everyday. It’s exhausting, but to be honest, I’ve been proud of it. I tell others, (and myself) it’s my way of improving all the errors I make. Does this sound familiar to you? Do you do the same thing? I can’t believe I’m the only one who does this.

Here’s how this practice of self assessment steals, (the enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy) our beauty. When we self assess, we judge ourselves based on our behavior. We are constantly looking at what we do and believe that’s who we are. As an example, if I look at my behavior and see a struggle with discipline, I judge myself as an undisciplined person. It becomes who I am in my mind.

That’s only one example. So if we judge our behavior constantly throughout each day, can you imagine all the negative judgements we believe about ourselves? How can we possibly believe we are beautiful? Do you see how destructive the lies of the enemy become to us?

It’s time we allow God to reveal the lies and replace them with His TRUTH. Are you willing to let go? Are you willing to let Him shine His light into your heart and show you the deception? Are you ready to be made new? Selah.

All Things New - Travis Greene

Love and Blessings,

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
— Isaiah 43:19 New International Version
Kendra Brown