Day 37 "Beloved And So Adored"
Good Morning Beauties!
Beloved..."much loved, cherished, treasured, prized, highly regarded, admired, worshiped, revered." Adored..."to regard with the utmost esteem, love, and respect; to honor."
Your Abba Father calls you BELOVED. The God of Heaven and Earth ADORES you. Do you believe it? Do you know this Love? Have you let this Truth penetrate your deepest wounds, silence lies, and mend your broken heart? Selah!
Let today be the day you ask The Lord to show you His Perfect Love so you will never doubt it again. Receiving God's love is life changing and will lead to the greatest transformation you will ever know.
The song and video below presents several testimonies of broken young women who have been transformed. I pray you will be blessed and inspired by their stories and that you will receive all the Father has for you today. Selah.
He Knows My Name - Francesca Battistelli
Love and Blessings,