Day 23 "Forgiven Justified"
Good Morning Beauties!
Today is a day of FREEDOM. Are you ready to lay down any and all guilt and shame and claim your forgiveness and justification in Christ? It’s hard for us to imagine Jesus has taken away every sin we’ve ever committed or will ever commit, but it’s true - He has. Why is it difficult to believe? Selah.
Let’s look at what the Bible says. Here’s a quick study from 1 John 1:8-9 in The Passion Translation with notes:
Purified From Sin
“If we boast that we have no sin, we’re only fooling ourselves and are strangers to the truth. 9 But if we freely admit our sins when his light uncovers them,[a] he will be faithful to forgive us every time. God is just to forgive us our sins because of Christ, and he will continue to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9 Confession of sin is the way to find restoration and unbroken fellowship with God. It cleanses the conscience and removes every obstacle from communion with Christ. Confession does not gain God’s acceptance, for that was won for us forever by the sacrifice of Christ. It is on the basis of being his dearly loved children that we restore intimacy with God through our tenderhearted confession before him. God will always be faithful to restore our first-love passion for him. There is no need to confess the same sins over and over, for that is ignoring the blood of Jesus that cleanses us. All of our sins were paid for on the cross and we can do nothing to remove them, but confession acknowledges God’s faithfulness to restore our intimacy with him. Our Father and our forgiving Redeemer fill the heavens with grace toward every believer, even when we sin.
1 John 1:9 “Unrighteousness,” in this context, means the sins we’re not aware of. Confession cleanses known sin and restores fellowship with God, but God’s faithfulness, in seeing Christ as our Sin-Bearer, cleanses us from all unknown sin as well. If we do but one thing (confess our sin), God will do four things: (1) demonstrate his faithful love, (2) demonstrate justice by counting our sins paid for by Christ, (3) forgive us every sin, and (4) continue a deeper work of cleansing from all aspects of sin’s defilement.
How is your confession life these days? Mine is less than good, for sure. I’ve been understandably distracted with the epic worldly events and trying to establish a “new normal.” Though I have stepped up my quiet time with God, my intimate confessions have been forgotten. If you can relate, it’s okay. Let’s start back into the habit of confessing our sins daily so we keep our close relationship with God in tact.
Let’s praise the King who has forgiven us and justified us into His righteousness.
You Are My King (Amazing Love) - Hillsong United
Love and Blessings,