Preparation Day 2
Good Morning Beauties!
i’m so glad you’re here today and have decided to move forward in your journey to uproot and overcome the lies living deep within you so your God-given purpose will be accomplished. You are strong. You are brave. You are courageous.
Today we will prepare for the journey by identifying any obstacles standing in our way of success. Once we know what may cause distraction, we must devise a plan of action to overcome the road block on our path. For example, most Beauties who start their journey have to deal with time constraints. Especially if she has children, it can be daunting to think of finding alone and quiet time just for her and God. As we’ve all heard before, “you must make time for your priorities,” it’s so true. We’re asking for transformation here, and it is necessary to make time for the hard work.
Another thing to know is the enemy hates the idea of you breaking free from his grasp. Lies keep you bound, and truth sets you free. He will try anything to keep you believing his lies. The distractions will come like boulders, but how will you keep on your path? Write down the obstacles you can think of and then pray God shows you even more. Beside each one, write down your action plan to keep you steady on course. You will refer back to these throughout your journey, so take time to strategize against the enemy.
All of this “obstacle talk” may sound a little on the dark side and not too encouraging. I completely understand. We’re conditioned to keep things light and positive. I get it. That’s not what this journey is all about. My sole desire is to point you towards God so He can reveal truth to you - truth about you. In that process, I’m going to be honest. Years of believing destructive lies causes great harm, and it takes hard work to “undo” all the damage. I am no counselor, though I’ve gone to many, but I believe in the healing power of God’s love.
Freedom is worth the hard work! What is your idea of freedom? What do you need to be set free from? What do you need to be set free to be? To do? Selah.
No Longer Slaves - Jonathan David and Melissa Helser
Love and Blessings,