Day 21 "You Are Righteous"

Canopy of His Love Photo by Don Shin on Unsplash

Canopy of His Love
Photo by Don Shin on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

To be right with someone important to us is a core desire of everyone. Do you agree? Then how much more important is it to be right with God? Do you believe you’re right with God? Selah.

The enemy’s sole purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy, (John 10:10) so he will have you believing you’ve sinned beyond forgiveness, but that’s a lie! There’s nothing you can do at all to earn your right standing before God. There’s no amount of good deeds you can possibly do to earn the favor of God. Jesus has already done it for you. So the truth is, you are already righteous in the eyes of God through Jesus Christ.

Let’s look at what the Bible says, “And there is still much more to say of his unfailing love for us! For through the blood of Jesus we have heard the powerful declaration, “You are now righteous in my sight.” And because of the sacrifice of Jesus, you will never experience the wrath of God.” Romans 5:9 The Passion Translation

Please read and re-read this scripture. It’s a great one to memorize and declare as truth when the enemy is spouting his lies in your thoughts. You have been made righteous. There’s no discussion. Period.

Who I Am - Cashing Crowns

Love and Blessings,

Lord, how wonderfully you bless the righteous. Your favor wraps around each one and covers them under Your canopy of kindness and joy.
— Psalm 5:12 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown