Preparation Day 2
Good Morning Beauties!
Welcome to our second day of preparation. As we continue getting ready for our adventure, today we’re going to uncover any obstacles that may prevent a successful journey. Not only will we discover the obstacles, but we’ll create a plan of action to eliminate the roadblocks.
Remember the truth we’ve found in John 10:10. The enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. The purpose of this journey is to find revelation of lies he’s put in your head, and replacing them with God’s truth. He’s mad! He doesn’t want you to know the truth. He will try his best to keep you believing the lies.
What are some tactics he’ll use to prevent you from breaking free from his stronghold? One of the biggest obstacle from talking to other women who’ve been on their journeys and from my own experience is time. There’s just not enough of it - so we must MAKE time. Like it or not, you’re in charge of planning your schedule everyday. The question is, are you willing to make changes, and sacrifices, to ensure you have the amount of time you need to fully participate in your journey experience?
There are many ways the enemy will try to destroy what God has planned for you. Time is only one. What are some others? Write them down in your journal. It’s a brainstorming session, so write everything that comes to your mind, big or small. There are no wrong answers.
Now it’s time to create an action plan. Beside each of the obstacles, write how you will overcome each barrier. For example, since I prioritized spending enough time with God each morning, I have to get up an hour earlier. I’m up now by 5:00 am to begin my day. Part of my action plan is to go to bed an hour earlier, so I may still have enough sleep each night. It seems simple, but it’s hard for me on some mornings, especially on those frigid Minnesota mornings, when it’s too cold to leave my warm bed.
One of the things to help keep you on track is to have a special place where you meet with God. There are no rules, it just needs to be a space designated for you to be uninterrupted, calm, quiet, and able to hear what He’s speaking to your heart. It doesn’t have to be the same place everyday. Some days, I like to leave my sacred place in my home office to go outside and be surrounded by God’s glorious nature. Choose your place wisely.
In the Secret, (In the Quiet Place)
Love and Blessings,