Day 16 "You Are Royalty"

True Royalty Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

True Royalty
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

Welcome to our new truth - You Are Royalty. Shall we look at this beautiful word, royalty? The root word, of course is royal. Do you see the beauty in it, or is it just me? What do you think of when you hear this word? How would you describe it in a picture? Selah.

My mind automatically goes to Kings and Queens of this Earth. The British family. Princess Diana. Then I think about the seen objects they possess - crowns, jewels, thrones, gowns, castles. They have treasure. Next I think about the fortress and guards protecting them around the clock. They have importance in their kingdom.

It makes sense to think about something of the world we physically live in each day. What about the spiritual world we also live in each day. Because we can’t see it with our eyes, it seems secondary, but in reality, it is the true primary place we dwell with God.

In the spiritual world, you are part of God’s Royal family. You have His love and devotion - the treasure that matters most. You also have His security and protection every moment you’re alive. He is there for your every need. Jesus - the King of Kings loves you and has saved you from a life of darkness. You are that important and valuable to Him.

This song is about life change and the transformation Jesus brings. Are you ready for change? Are you ready to rise up and take your place in His Royal Family? Selah.

Royalty - Francesca Battistelli

Love and Blessings,

But you are God’s chosen treasure—priests who are kings, (and Queens), a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience His marvelous light, and now He claims you as His very own. He did this so that you would broadcast His glorious wonders throughout the world.
— 1 Peter 2:9 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown