Day 16 "You Are Royalty"

The Palace and The People Photo by King's Church International on Unsplash

The Palace and The People
Photo by King's Church International on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

You’re a third of the way through your journey. Congratulations! I hope you’re proud of yourself and have seen changes only God can bring. He is the life giver and wants you to have it in abundance.

Today we start our fourth attribute of who we are in Christ - ROYALTY. What or who do you think of when you think of royalty? Princess Diana? Jacqueline Kennedy? Mother Teresa? All beautiful women who served, whether it be charities, her husband, or the poor.

God is showing me today that true, noble royalty serve people. They do not focus on the luxuries of life riches provide for themselves, but rather use their wealth to bless others. Jesus was a perfect example. He was the King of Kings, but lived a simple life as a carpenter while on the Earth. He served the outcasts with His love, grace, mercy, and the priceless gift of prayer.

As God’s chosen daughter into His royal family, how will you serve others today? Will you use your finances?Your talent? Your time? Your prayers? Selah.

Here I Am Send Me - Darlene Zschech

Love and Blessings,

For even the Son of Man did not come expecting to be served by everyone, but to serve everyone, and to give His life as the ransom price in exchange for the salvation of many.
— Mark 10:45 The Passion Translation

Kendra Brown