Day 28 "For You The Savior Died"
Good Morning Beauties!
Today we need to be brave and courageous as we look at the true sacrifice Jesus made for us. Are you willing to be made uncomfortable to see a glimpse of all Jesus did for you? It’s hard to witness the brutality of how the Romans treated Jesus, and yet it shows how much He loves you. No greater love than this!
On Day 28 I’ve always shared a video that matched a moving song with scenes from The Passion of The Christ movie. This beautiful combination depicts closer than anything I know the reality of Jesus’ sacrifice.
I pray you watch it with eyes and heart wide open. I pray it will once and for all silence the lies that say, “You’re not loved. You’re not valued. You’re not good enough.”
First, let’s read the from the Word of God Isaiah 53:5-8…
5 “But he was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace; he was lashed—and we were healed! 6 We—every one of us—have strayed away like sheep! We, who left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet God laid on him the guilt and sins of every one of us!
7 He was oppressed and he was afflicted, yet he never said a word. He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he stood silent before the ones condemning him. 8 From prison and trial they led him away to his death. But who among the people of that day realized it was their sins that he was dying for—that he was suffering their punishment?”
The Day He Wore My Crown - Sandi Patty / The Passion of The Christ
Love and Blessings,