Day 4 "You Are Beautiful"
Good Morning Beauties!
We’ve come to look at this lyric, this truth again, “You ARE Beautiful.” How does this statement resonate with you today? Has it moved beyond the outside appearance?
God’s is speaking to me today about how we are chosen, hand selected by Him to be His children. I’m reminded of a time in Kindergarten when the drama coach was auditioning our class to be the children in the high school’s Christmas play. We all stood in a single file line and were asked to smile. “That’s it? Just smile?” I thought surely more would be required. So I smiled my biggest smile and was chosen as one of the few who made the cut.
To this day, I can remember how wonderful I felt to be chosen. I was special, loved, and accepted. God has chosen you to the best role ever…that of His child. The Creator of the Universe chose you! Selah.
Chosen - Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland
Love and Blessings,