Preparation Day 2
Good Morning Beauties!
It is such a beautiful morning! The air is crisp with a slight breeze and the sound of a light rain hits the leaves of the forrest of trees before me. We can see His glorious creation when we slow down. That’s what this journey is all about - slowing down to spend time with God and listen as He transforms you.
Welcome to our second day together preparing for our journey. Today we’re going to identify any obstacles trying to distract us from a successful experience with God. Remember our verse from John 10:10, “The enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy…” The enemy will try his best to destroy the blessing of your journey, so you must prepare to overcome the road blocks coming your way.
Please take your journal and find a good spot to write down the obstacles you anticipate. Beside each one, write down your action plan to overcome it. My top two are time (thinking I don’t have enough) and fatigue. I think these are very common for most Beauties.
I have one action plan to address both issues. (Killing two birds with one stone.) I slightly change my daily routine while I’m on my journey. Instead of going to bed at 11pm, I wind down and am in bed by 10pm. I make sure to get a good 7 hours of sleep, and so I get up at 5am. This small adjustment allows me an hour and a half to journal and share my thoughts on my blog, and then jump in the shower to be at work by 8:30. I’m rested and I have quality time with God each day.
How about you? What obstacles do you see? How will you defeat the enemy and his schemes? Selah.
I continue to pray for you as you prepare for your journey.
Love and Blessings,
“I will lead them beside streams of water on a level path where they will not stumble...”