Day 6 "You Are Lovely"
Good Morning Beauties!
The word LOVELY is special to me. During my second 40 Day Journey, the Lord blessed and changed me during my study of this stanza about my loveliness. Hallelujah!
I’ve always felt a little masculine - perhaps my role of being the Tomboy in the family had something to do with it. But aside from my looks and my family role, I thought I had to be strong. In fact the greatest defeat I could think of was being weak. Call me anything but weak! With this belief from the enemy, I became hard, rigid and selfish, nothing like the truth of who I was created to be.
During my journey experience, the kind and gentle Father revealed to my heart that I no longer had to be the protector, the provider, the parent to myself. He asked me to lay all that down, and simply trust Him to be my strength. He allowed me to be gentle, feminine, soft - all the things I equate with being lovely.
It takes courage and strength to lay yours down, trusting God to do what you yourself have always done, but that’s what God wants for all of us. Are you ready to lay down your armor of protection and rely of God for your strength today? Selah.
You Are My Strength - Hillsong
Love and Blessings,