Day 1 "You Are Beautiful"

His Beautiful Bride Photo by Kenny Luo on Unsplash

His Beautiful Bride
Photo by Kenny Luo on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

Here we are, Day 1! The last three days you have prepared well, and the time spent will be worth it. You have prayed for your journey, and please know that I have too, and will continue to do so. I believe Jesus is also praying over you and your journey experience, interceding to the Father on your behalf.

In light of the Easter Season, and this being our Easter 40 Day Journey, I prayed this morning for wisdom to tie Jesus’ resurrection and our scripture verse, John 10:10 together. God brought me to a song, “He is Able” which speaks of His ability to overcome the grave, and with that power, He’ll make a way for us and never leave us. He’s the Almighty God who defeated death, and yet, He’s such a personal God. He desires intimacy with us, His Children, and is always right by our side. It’s this love that draws me to God, and allows me to trust and believe His Word. Do you know His love? Do you believe He is able to do all things? Do you believe He will make a way and will be beside you on your journey? Selah.

Let’s look at today’s lyric. We’ll see it several times again throughout the journey, but today is very important. It’s the baseline, if you will, of where your journey begins. What do you believe about your beauty today? The world is obsessed with outward beauty, but we know that God wants us to focus on inward beauty. Does one impact the other? Selah.

No matter what you currently believe, the Truth is, you ARE beautiful. God’s Word is true. He is not a liar. Over and over again, the Bible speaks of our beauty. I especially love the way Song of Solomon affirms my beauty. It’s a tender love story between the groom and his bride, and it’s where I first met the love of Jesus.

What is God saying to you about your beauty today? What are the lies He is revealing you currently believe? Are you willing to let go of the lies, and believe the Truth? Selah.

You Call Me Beautiful - Planetshakers

Love and Blessings,

How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful!
— Song of Solomon 1:15 New International Version
Kendra Brown