Day 34 "You Are Purity"
Good Morning Beauties!
Have you enjoyed the past few days of your journey? There is so much Freedom found in the Truth of your Purity; however, I think this attribute may be one of the most difficult to believe. Perhaps a quick review of the last three days will be helpful to summarize the Truths you discovered. Let’s also take a look at your beliefs in light of your discoveries. Spend time with each of the following questions to examine your heart today.
Do you believe you are Pure and able to stand before a Holy God? What was your first reaction to that question? Do you still hesitate to believe Christ died to give you full acceptance and access to The Most High God? Selah.
Do you believe God is able to turn your broken heart into one that beats with love out of restoration? Selah.
Have you surrendered your need to be perfect? Truly laid it down at the feet of Jesus, never to pick it up again, knowing that it’s okay to disappoint people because God’s acceptance is all you need? Selah.
Today, I pray you spend time pondering these questions and examining your beliefs. The enemy has lied to us from very early on as children. We were given messages of what’s “good” and what’s “bad.” Most parents and authority figures did not do a great job of distinguishing between behavior and who we are, so we grew up thinking we were bad, not our behavior. We also saw conditional love. If we are good enough, we will be loved. God’s love is quite the opposite. Despite our flaws, bad behavior, our sin - He loves and accepts us just the way we are. Do you believe this Truth? Selah.
Here’s a beautiful song to remind you of who you are in God’s sight. Enjoy!
Love and Blessings,