Day 39 "You Are A Child Of God"
Good Morning Beauties!
We are children of God because of another child who came into the Earth. Christians all over the world celebrate His birth tonight - Jesus. Born of a virgin in a lowly manger as the Angels gathered the shepherds in the fields. He was fully man and fully God, and He came to bring sinners back into union with the Father. What a beautiful picture of God’s love being poured out through His Son.
Jesus’ life had purpose. God has also given your life purpose. You were created in this time in history and in the place you’re planted to fulfill the amazing plan and purpose of your life for God. Do you know the plan? Are you surrendered to complete it? What’s preventing you from giving everything you have , everything you are to fulfilling your destiny? Selah.
I pray you have received more of The Father’s love these past few days, and that your heart’s desire is to share it with everyone you can. Sharing the Good News about Christ is our universal Christian calling. You don’t have to give sermons or know every word of the Bible to share the love of Christ. What are you naturally good at? How do you enjoy serving others? What special talent do you have? These are the perfect ways to share the love of Jesus. What will you do today to share His love? Selah.
On the special occasion of Christmas Eve, I want to share a special song. Enjoy!
Love and Blessings,