Day 36 "You Are A Child Of God"
Good Morning Beauties!
Welcome to the last, and I believe the most important truth to believe…you are a Child of God! We spend our lives reaching for that next title of importance. Society has taught us to do so. It starts in school where we strive for “A student” or “Star Athlete” or “Most Popular” or “Cuma Sum Laude.” It continues when we begin our careers. We like titles of authority. “Manager” or “Executive” or “VP” or “Pastor.” These titles will never hold a candle to the best title we will ever have - “Child of God.” What are the titles you thought important growing up? What are the ones you strive for now? Selah.
What does the Bible say about this position? The Gospel of John tells us we are, “children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” John 1:13 New International Version. We must think in the truths of the supernatural. The story of Nicodemus in John 3 describes Jesus’ answer when asked how to be born again - as Children of God.
Our title brings love and devotion from God, our Father. Authority also comes with it. We have rights as heirs to God’s Kingdom. There is simply too much Biblical wisdom to express in this platform, but I encourage you to get your Bible and do some digging. I know you’re busy, I know it’s Christmas, I know, I know. This is your life we’re talking about. Your freedom in Christ. Your future. Open your heart like never before, and let God rip out the lies, and overflow that same space with His loving truth. Selah.
Love and Blessings,