Day 9 "You Are Lovely"

Lovely and Stunning  Photo by nic on Unsplash

Lovely and Stunning
Photo by nic on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

Lovely is a definitely spoken over many a bride. It’s perfectly fitting for the occasion - her day of love. Where family and friends will take one look at the bride and her groom, and know they are in love.

We are spiritual Brides of THE Bridegroom - Jesus. He has prepared the way for us, and we must ready ourselves. I often think of simplifying my life by focusing on my wedding preparation to my King. Becoming that truly lovely and beautiful bride for the One who saved my soul.

What about you? Do you think about your Wedding Day to Jesus? Is this a new concept to you? Does it sound rather strange? Here is how the Bible so beautifully describes it in Song of Solomon 3:9-13…

“The king made this mercy seat for himself
out of the finest wood that will not decay.
Pillars of smoke, like silver mist—
a canopy of golden glory dwells above it.
The place where they sit together
is sprinkled with crimson.
Love and mercy cover this carriage,
blanketing his tabernacle throne.
The king himself has made it
for those who will become his bride.
Rise up, Zion maidens, brides-to-be!
Come and feast your eyes on this king
as he passes in procession on his way to his wedding.
This is the day filled with overwhelming joy—
the day of his great gladness.”

Journal your thoughts after reading this Truth. Selah

I Can’t Wait - Merchant Band

Love and Blessings,

Lovely and stunning she leads the procession with all her bridesmaids as they come before you, her Bridegroom King.
— Psalm 45:14 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown