Day 1 "You Are Beautiful"
Good Morning Beauties!
Today is the first day of our journey! Thank you for taking the past three days to prepare for an experience that has the potential of changing your life. I say potential, because it’s really up to you and your willingness to go “all in.”
I was reflecting on the preparation days with my husband yesterday and explaining to him how different they were from previous journeys. I’m proclaiming God’s truth with more boldness than ever before. I’m talking more about the battle, because the enemy is real and has kept you from truth long enough. Truth and freedom are more important than fluff. This journey is not a warm and fuzzy, feel-good women’s Bible study. It’s a trading lies for truth, set you free, be who you were born to be, life changing experience. So, if you’re ready to get started, let’s begin.
We must begin with a basic question. What does beauty mean to you? It’s a simple question, I know, but your answer will form the baseline for your journey. Take out your journal and respond to the questions for Day 1. You may want to listen to the song again, and certainly bathe this precious time in prayer with God. Selah.
Ben Fielding wrote a popular and glorious song called, “Who You Say I Am.” Here is what he says inspired the song. “Jesus says, 'who the son sets free, is free indeed.' It's a real declaration of identity. When I introduced this song into our church, I read John 8, the Scripture this song is based on. It talks about how a slave has no place in the family. But, once we've been brought into the family, then we have this identity as part of God's family and an identity of freedom. Our identity resides in knowing ourselves in Christ and living within the stability of knowing we are who God says we are."
"Who the Son sets free is free indeed" is a Scripture about freedom and identity. You are a child of God. That can never be threatened or taken from you. As a believer, the truth of this song changes the way I live out my faith. We were passionate to give the church a song that says that God is for them and He thinks the world of them. While everything around you and about you changes, this is the one thing about yourself that will stay constant. You are chosen by a God who loves you deeply. He is a God who is for you and is never against you. He is a God who has plans for you to prosper. He is a God who wants a relationship with you. He is a God who will never let you down.
The theme of the song is, "I am chosen, not forsaken, I am who You say I am." God has chosen us and the fact that we are in a position where we know God and be reconciled to Him. The challenge of the song is the idea that we have been set right because of the comprehensive work of Jesus. You can stand before Him as chosen, and not forsaken. You haven't been left on your own. He is running towards us.”
WOW! It’s a beautiful song to begin our journey. Here it is. Soak in these words of truth.
Who You Say I Am - Ben Fielding, Hillsong
Love and Blessings,