Preparation Day 2
Good Morning Beauties!
Welcome back to our next day of preparation. Today we’re on a mission to discover any and all obstacles the enemy has planned to throw us off course. Remember, he comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. He will put one hinderance after another on your path to stop you from being free from his lies. This journey will provide truth, freedom, and transformation, and the enemy will try anything to stop that from happening.
One very common obstacle is something as simple as time. None of us have time in our everyday schedule to sit down with God for an hour or even 15 minutes. Our hurried schedules are filled and running over, so how could we possibly add one more thing? We must make time. Beauties, our schedule is in our own hands, and we must prioritize those things which will lead to the life we desire.
I think another obstacle, one that goes much deeper is fear. Time is easy to talk about, it’s on the surface, but our fears live deep within us. Are you ready to stand up to fear and say, “No more”? What fears live in your heart?
Take time today to ponder and write down in your journal any obstacles God brings to mind. He may reveal something new. After writing those things that may cause you to stumble, pray about an action plan to overcome them. Identifying the road blocks is only the first part of your mission, you must devise a tactical plan to thwart the enemy. This process takes time and prayer, but will be extremely beneficial once you begin your journey. Selah.
Fear You Don’t Own Me - Francesca Battistelli
Love and Blessings,