Day 22 "Saved And Sanctified"
Good Morning Beauties!
Today’s lyric, “Saved and Sanctified” is extremely important in understanding the full meaning of these words as they relate to your identity in Christ. I could not possibly provide enough information in this blog to help you discern their concepts, but I will encourage you to get your Bibles and dig deep, do some research online, and most effective - listen to what God wants you to know about your salvation and sanctification.
Today, I just want to share a little about my experience with the word SAVED. Merriam Webster defines it, “to keep (someone or something) safe: to stop (someone or something) from dying or being hurt, damaged, or lost.” That definition is correct for what Jesus did for us, but there’s much more.
For so long, I thought only of what God saved me “to.” He saved me to an eternal life with Him in Heaven. He saved me to a life of freedom. He saved me to His promises. I had a painful past and didn’t want to look backwards, so I kept my eyes looking forward with hope and anticipation.
A few years ago, God showed me that never looking back was keeping me from relating to hurting people. This is when i began praying for a more compassionate heart. He began to show me those things He had saved me “from” - depression, hopelessness, fear, darkness, death. God reminded me of the times I cried out to Him, and how He truly rescued me from those situations.
God rescues us for a reason - for our purpose to be fulfilled here on Earth. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, “we are blessed to be a blessing to others.” We are saved to bring the message of salvation to others. What stops you from sharing the saving work of Christ to others? Selah.
Here are a few scriptures and song I pray will encourage you. He loves you and will respond as you cry out in the areas where you need Him.
“He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me.” Psalm 18:17
“He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” Psalm 18:19
“You exalted me above my foes; from a violent man you rescued me.” Psalm 18:48
“In your distress you called and I rescued you, I answered you out of a thundercloud; “ Psalm 81:7
“He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.” Psalm 107:20
Came to My Rescue - Hillsong United
Love and Blessings,