Day 16 "You Are Royalty"
Good Morning Beauties!
Welcome to our new attribute - Royalty. At times, this one is the hardest to believe. We find it hard to let go of the heritage of our Earthy family and reach for our new status - that of Royalty.
One definition is “people of royal blood or status.” Yes! As Children of God, we have been saved by Jesus’ shed blood on the cross and as part of our “newness of life,” we now have His blood, His status to call our own. Thank you, Jesus!
What do you imagine comes along with being a member of the Royal family? I think immediately of two words, protection and provision. These two things are important for a girl from her father, and for a woman from her husband. Aren’t you glad we have Abba Father and Jesus to provide anything we need and protect us from anything that may harm us?
I love the scripture from Peter below. He, like Paul, was a man of action. “As a result, you can show others the goodness of God.” Yes! We have our new Royal life to lead others to the Truth of God. When you walk out your Royalty, others will notice your dignity. Watch and see how God will bring people to you so you may bless them with His Goodness, Kindness, and Truth.
Please join me in prayer as we ask God to reveal more Truth about our Royal status. What does He want you to know? Selah.
Royalty - Francesa Battistelli
Love and Blessings,