Day 33 "Perfect In His Sight"
Good Morning Beauties!
Have you heard of a perfect diamond? In doing a bit of research, I found it basically doesn't exist - at least not in any of the store you and I shop. "A flawless diamond that is perfectly colorless is phenomenally rare. How rare does that make diamonds that are perfect in color, clarity and also in cut? D color (perfectly colorless) IF (internally flawless) diamonds are estimated to represent a miniscule .001% of world diamond production." Though a perfect diamond will never be found by you or me, WE have been found PERFECT by God! We are made perfect through the love and redeeming work of Jesus Christ.
This word, "perfect" you struggle with it like I do? What lie does the enemy tell you as he torments you with perfectionism? "You're not good enough." "You must try even harder." "You still didn't do it right." The lies in this area are harsh and long lasting. The enemy throws in words like rejected, unloved and unwanted. Does that sound familiar? We go about trying to be perfect to avoid rejection and gain everyone's love and approval.
If we bring God's Truth to these lies, we will be free beyond imagination. I'm paraphrasing, but the Bible tells us, "I don't love you because you are perfect. The Father already loves you so much that I died to wash you clean and perfect you so you can be reconciled back to The Father."
This Truth may sound confusing and a little like we still need to be perfect for God. The fact is, God is Holy, and holiness and sin cannot coexist; therefore, we cannot be reconciled back to God without the purification that Jesus brings to us on the cross. Jesus makes us "Perfect in His sight."
Please join me today as I pray for all of us. "Lord in Heaven, please silence the lie of perfectionism, and help us to believe in Your lavish love and acceptance."
Love and Blessings,