Day 31 "You Are Purity"

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Good Morning Beauties!

We have only 10 days left in our journey together.  Can you believe it?  I pray that you will dig deep and release the lies living in your heart during the next 2 attributes.  Freedom lives in the Truth of who you really are.  

Today, let's look at two words the enemy uses to prevent us from knowing the freedom of our purity.  These words are guilt and shame.  Do you know them?  Do you live with them?  I'm convinced most women are well acquainted with guilt and shame, and their greatness is hindered because of it.

Guilt is the feeling of having done something wrong, not meeting expectations of others.  The enemy uses this feeling to bind us and keep us immobile.  What about when we do not meet the expectations of God?  Isn't there guilt?  No.  The Holy Spirit will bring conviction of doing the wrong thing, which allows us the opportunity to repent and ask to be forgiven.  This process moves us forward in freedom of knowing we are going to make mistakes, but God still loves us.

Guilt is the feeling of having done something bad, and shame is the feeling of being a bad person. It's a difference of our doing and are being.  Often times, the feeling of guilt will proceed into a feeling of shame.  The enemy makes it difficult to separate the two and destroys our self confidence.  The Truth is, there is a difference between our "do" and our "who."  We are not bad people, we are people who do bad things.  

Sometimes we carry shame that belongs to someone else.  I think this situation is the most difficult.  We may carry it for years and years and truly believe that we are of no value just because someone else didn't value us.  We may even act out of that shameful place and add guilt to our already broken heart.  This behavior then becomes a cycle of adding shame, bad behavior, adding shame.  The enemy is such a destroyer of our self image, and he will use others to help his cause.    

So, how do we rid ourselves of this cycle of destruction?  We must keep our eyes focused on Christ and on His Truth.  The Bible tells us, "When someone becomes a Christian, (s)he becomes a brand new person inside. (S)he is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!"  2 Corinthians 5:17  The Living Bible.  You are no longer the person of your past.  You are made brand new when you accept Jesus!  Brand spanking new!!

What things live in your heart that say, "You're a bad person"?  Bring those lies to God today so He can tell you the Truth.

Love and Blessings, 

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
— Psalm 34:5 New International Version
Kendra Brown