Preparation Day 2


Good Morning Beauties!

Welcome back.  I hope you enjoyed yesterday's exercise of writing down all of your expectations. Today please look at any obstacles that stand in your way of having a successful journey.  Trust God as He shows you what they may be.  

Once again I'm going to ask you to write these barriers down in your journal.  For every hindrance, write your action plan for overcoming the obstacle.  You may have one or many, but try to anticipate what they might be, and create a way to eliminate them prior to starting your journey. 

For example, time is always one of the biggest hurdles we have to jump over for a successful journey.  Most ladies say, "I just don't have enough time to spend everyday."  The answer is to Make time....we've all heard that before, but it's so true.  Overcoming this obstacle may mean getting up 30 minutes earlier for the next 40 Days.  Some ideas to help accomplish this goal is to prepare your clothes, lunch, etc. the night before and going to be 30 minutes earlier. 

I know it may sound easier than it is, but what is your commitment to yourself?  Is now the time to put yourself ahead of the line?  Is growing your relationship with God worth it?  Selah.

Love and Blessings, 


And it shall be said, ‘Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstruction from my people’s way.’
— Isaiah 57:14 English Standard Version
Kendra Brown