Day Of Reflection


Good Morning Beauties!

Today is an important day.  Please look back through your entire journal and reflect on your journey experience.  Look at your Day 1 and compare it to your Day 40.  Do you see change? 

Did your journey exceed the expectations you set on Preparation Day 1?  Most beauties find the experience to be different than hoped for, but more satisfying than they thought it would be;  happily surprised that God used the journal in a way they did not anticipate.

If the journey did not meet your expectations, why?  Did your plan of action keep the distractions away?  Did you find your motivation hard to maintain?  Was it difficult to make time in your schedule to meet with God each day?  Remember, the journal was meant to be used again and again, just as our life is a consistent journey.  If it wasn't as transformative as you hoped, try again.

Every journey has proven to be different for me.  In this journey, God revealed to me just how much I believed the lie of the enemy in regards to impending death.  In the times we live in with active shooters, the enemy brought back my fear from when I was held up at gunpoint years ago.  The acute fear was real for me.  The enemy also used my sister's death to convince me that my health was failing as well, and that I surely would die a horrible death like her.  

What lies!  They kept me bound in fear for the past few years, but God also revealed His Truth.  Psalm 62:1-2 says, "I wait patiently for God to save me;  I depend on him alone. He alone protects and saves me, He is my defender, and I shall never be defeated."

Reflect today on all the Truth God has revealed to you during these past 40 days.  Being a woman of action, how will you walk out your new freedom?  Selah.

Free to Dance - Hillsong

Love and Blessings, 


She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
— Proverbs 31:25 New International Version
Kendra Brown