Day 19 "You Are Royalty"

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Good Morning Beauties!

Praise the Lord who is so faithful.  I'm really sleepy this morning, and so I slept in just a bit more than usual.  My extra 30 minutes has caused me to be rushed to complete my lesson.  Have you had one of those mornings too?  Is it happening right now?  Thank you for continuing to come to God, even though the time might be shorter than usual, He is faithful and will supply revelation even in those hurried times.

Today He spoke to me about the security and protection I have as part of His Royal Family.  We can relinquish the lies which cause fear and move boldly forward knowing we are held in the hand of The Father and His Angel Army is but a command away.  

I was held up a gunpoint several years ago, and the lie I hear (and have believed) is that it will happen again, but it will be fatal this time.  What a lie!  This lie has brought fear into my life which has limited my participation of certain activities I previously enjoyed by myself.  Because of the times we live in now with active shooters, the lie has grown even more.

Today God showed me a picture of a Princess behind fortified walls of a castle with an army of soldiers out front beyond the iron gate. We are protected.  We are secure.  We are safe.  Selah.

What is God showing you today?  

Love and Blessings, 

And so I am thankful and glad, and I feel completely secure, because you protect me from the power of death.
— Psalm 16:9-10 Good News Translation
Kendra Brown