Preparation Day 2
Good Morning Beauties!
Thank you for meeting me here again as we continue to prepare for our journey. The next step is to identify any and all obstacles that may hinder your journey. Once identified, a plan of action to overcome these barriers is created. Only you know what they may be for your journey, and only you can create the action plan to defeat them. Please consider praying for God's help with this step.
One of the biggest obstacles I found myself, as well as many other women, is time. The success of the journey requires time. Time to pray, journal and listen to God. You may have heard, "The enemy created busyness." I'm not sure if that is exactly true. We are all responsible for our own schedules and saying no to activities when needed. The truth is we have to make time for those things we give priority. So here's the question, do you prioritize your relationship with God?
If time is one of your road blocks, consider getting up earlier than you do now, before the rest of your family. You will want to go to bed earlier, but it's something you can do for just 40 days. I can hear the resistance already, but I ask you, "Are you worth it? Is growing deeper with God worth it? Is transformation worth it?"
Remember, you identify the obstacles that will prevent you from completing your journey from day 1 through to day 40. Once identified, you create the action plan. You may want to write your action plan in your journal along with a commitment statement to yourself for motivation when needed.
I'm praying for you today as you complete this important step of preparation.
Love and Blessings,
“And it shall be said, ‘Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstruction from my people’s way.’”