Day 38 "Treasured by our Lord"
Good Morning Beauties!
God's timing is magnificent! It is glorious that today, on Good Friday, the day that Jesus died for us, that we focus on being treasured by our Lord. He is so AWESOME!!!
On my very first journey, this is the Truth that healed a very deep wound. The scripture He gave me on my very first Day 38 was Deuteronomy 7:6, "For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession." And.....mic drop!
That TRUTH was the very thing that my heart and soul needed to hear, know, and believe. The fear of rejection has been extinguished, and I no longer need the approval of others. The God of the universe chose me, and I am treasured by Him; so valued by Him, that He died for me.
This TRUTH is for you too! You are loved, valued, treasured by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You do not fall short, you are perfect and chosen by God! You, just the way you are right this very moment.
This is the day, on day 38, when you stop striving to gain approval from others, (you know who they are) and begin to see your TRUE worth and value by the One who set the standard, Jesus.
Jesus also gave me a new name during that first journey, Segullah, which means treasured possession in Hebrew. So that is the name Jesus calls me.....Segullah.
On this very special day, I pray that you will lean in close to Jesus and hear what He has to say to your heart and soul.
Love & Blessings,