Day 26 "You are Redeemed"


Good Morning Beauties!

These next few days are incredibly important and personal between you and Jesus....I pray that you will make extra time to meet with Him, open your heart wide, and soak in the Truth that is waiting for you.

In previous verses, we've talked about we've been given this or that "because of what Jesus did for on on the cross." Now it's time to know exactly what He did. Please prepare your heart for a mix of emotions. A few I have felt on past journey experiences have included guilt, shame, pain, joy, and peace.

We start with the word redeemed, "the purchase back of something that had been lost, by the payment of a ransom." We had been lost to sin and death by way of trying to fulfill the law. None is perfect, so therefore, none could fulfill the law, and thus we need a Savior.

"The debt against us is not viewed as simply cancelled, but is fully paid. Christ's blood or life, which he surrendered for them, is the "ransom" by which the deliverance of his people from the servitude of sin and from its penal consequences is secured. It is the plain doctrine of Scripture that "Christ saves us neither by the mere exercise of power, nor by his doctrine, nor by his example, nor by the moral influence which he exerted, nor by any subjective influence on his people, whether natural or mystical, but as a satisfaction to divine justice, as an expiation for sin, and as a ransom from the curse and authority of the law, thus reconciling us to God by making it consistent with his perfection to exercise mercy toward sinners" (Hodge's Systematic Theology). Selah.

Love & Blessings, 

Kendra Brown