Preparation Day 2
Good Morning Beauties!
Welcome back. I pray you spent quality time thinking about your expectations of your 40 day journey yesterday. It’s such an important step in the entire process .
Today we will look at obstacles that may stand in your way of having a successful journey. I can almost guarantee there will be challenges along the way, but they were meant to be overcome. First we must identify any hindrances that prevent a smooth journey. Once identified, we must create an action plan to overcome those roadblocks.
I have found in my own experience as well as others’, time is the biggest obstacle we face. There just never seems to be enough time to sit down and pray, listen to the song, listen to God speak to our heart, and then journal about our revelation. That’s true! There will not be enough time in our current schedule, so we must make time.
Making time in our schedule for such an important journey is a must. What does that look like for you? What will need to be different for the next 40 days? Will it mean going to bed earlier in order to wake up earlier? Will it mean having your husband take care of the kids instead of you? Will it mean not watching the morning news and instead sitting down with God?
Use your journal to write down any obstacles you can think of that may hinder your progress on your journey. Beside each one, write down an action plan that will help you overcome them. You will refer back to this list along your journey. Remember, preparation is key to your success!
Love and Blessings,