Day 33 "Perfect In His Sight"

Unique Perfection

Unique Perfection

Good Morning Beauties!

Are you ready to look at a successful way the enemy cripples us from living in true freedom? It’s a tool he uses called perfectionism. Are you familiar with it? Have you been its victim? Are you now?

When I break it down using logic, I come to this conclusion - perfectionism is based in fear, and we know that fear comes from the enemy, not God. If we’re a perfectionist, we have the affliction in most parts of our life, not just one or two. Let’s take a look at an example.

I’ve tried to be perfect in a work setting. At times it served me to excel and achieve top performance, but at what cost? The constant fear of failing my manager lead to years of stress, making poor choices for my own health, and not having a balanced life. I had to achieve at all costs, or I would disappoint others, which I could not bare.

So let’s dig deeper. What is it about not meeting others’ expectations that has me so fearful? What will happen? What am I afraid will happen? Rejection. The fear of rejection is a powerful force. In a work situation, it could lead to losing a job. In a social situation, it could lead to losing a friend or friends causing us to be alone. The fear is real, we feel it, but fear is only an emotion, and a tool of the enemy.

The Truth is much more powerful than the lies. Lies that tell us we’re alone, we’ll lose our job, we’re unwanted and unloved. The truth is, we do not have to strive to be perfect for two reasons. First, God is our provider. He knows what we need, and He’ll make sure we have it. “Consider the birds of the air….” Matthew 26:34 Secondly, God is Emmanuel, God with us. He will never leave you nor forsake you. God loves you with a Perfect Love, and this love is all He sees when He looks at you.

We do not have to live in fear of rejection. We are perfect in His sight. In your journal, write down some places in your life where you are trying to be perfect. Dig deep - what is the rejection you fear? Selah.

Love and Blessings,

Every part of you is so beautiful, my darling. Perfect is your beauty, without flaw within.
— Song of Solomon 4:7 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown