Day 31 "You Are Purity"

Covered by Love and Light

Covered by Love and Light

Good Morning Beauties!

We are heading into the last 10 days of our journey! God is so pleased with your dedication and devotion to Him. Thank you for your commitment to keep going, especially on those tough times when it was hard to stop in the midst of all the world’s demands to spend time with God.

Today’s a great day to look back and reflect on how much growth you’ve seen in your personal relationship with God. Please write down in your journal the Truths you have learned, and how they’ve changed you. Refer to your expectations from Preparation Day 1 - how are you doing? Perhaps they’re not all being met, but are you in a better place then you were on Day 1? Even a little growth is much better than none at all. Be proud of your progress.

Today we begin to look at the 7th attribute, our Purity. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Is it sexual purity? Do you think of having a pure heart, pure thoughts, pure motives? Please take a few moments to write down your thoughts.

I think this area of purity is where the enemy has greatly lied to us. He has piled on the guilt and shame and has us believing we can never be forgiven for certain sins. He has us believing we are damaged, unworthy, and broken. Yes! We are, and that is exactly why Jesus came - to put us back together, call us His own, and to heal our hearts. So the lies the enemy tells us to keep us down, are the reasons Christ came to cleanse us and make us new.

If we are believing the lies, our behavior will reflect it. Our ways will be rebellious in the sight of the Lord because we are not accepting His Truth. I love how the scripture in Isaiah 1:18 describes God talking to His rebellious children, “Come on now, let’s walk and talk; let’s work this out. Your wrongdoings are bloodred, but they can turn as white as snow. Your sins are red like crimson, but they can be made clean again like new wool.” ~ The Voice Translation.

Do you see the loving way God is explaining Truth? What is He saying to you today about your purity? Selah.

Love and Blessings,

Now, because of your obedience to the truth, you have purified your very souls, and this empowers you to be full of love for your fellow believers.
— Isaiah 1:22 The Passion Version
Kendra Brown