Day 10 "And You Are Beautiful"

Delicate + Strong = Lovely

Delicate + Strong = Lovely

Good Morning Beauties!

Here we are on Day 10 already. Thank you for your dedication to your journey and to God. Let’s take a look at how it’s going so far and if any adjustments are needed.

In Preparation Day 1 you wrote down your expectations - what you expected from God and of yourself. Looking over the past 10 days, are they being met? Do you need to make changes?

Preparation Day 2 was all about obstacles to your journey - those boulders the enemy would try to use to throw you off course. You listed them and devised an action plan to overcome them. How is that going? Do you see things in your way that you had not anticipated? Are the action plans working? Do they need a little tweaking, or a whole new plan?

You looked at your motivations for taking this 40 Day Journey in Preparation Day 3. How is your interest level now that you’ve journey through 10 days with God? Are you eager to meet with God every day, or is it more of a chore, a responsibility, an item to check off your list? I think you will experience all of the above on different days of your journey, I know I do…and it’s okay.

I know this isn’t easy. You are uncovering lies, some that have been with you for a very long time, and asking God to replace them with Truth. Life transformation is hard. There is a spiritual battle going on, but we already know the Victor - Jesus!

One last thing today, please read the Bible verse below from Song of Solomon. What do you believe about this Truth? Selah.

Love and Blessings,

Listen, my dearest darling, you are so beautiful—you are beauty itself to Me!
— Song of Solomon 4:1 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown